Saturday, August 19, 2006
2:09 PM

ever wondered what it'll be like if andy lau sang a jay chou song? -_-


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Friday, August 18, 2006
1:00 AM

crap. i know, that last line was uncalled for. whatever possessed me...? ¬_¬;;

it's just the darren hayes thing. just hard to believe he's out. i mean, how could it be that no ambitious reporter has confronted him before? first he reads Anne Rice, then he calls his toodly band Savage Garden, then he brags around that Castro's his favourite chill-out, then his idol is George Michael, then the way he says 'he's funny' when describing daniel in the documentary full of adoration, then he goes and sing Insatiable.

ladies and gentlemen, the gayest banana that ever fell off the tree.


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12:55 AM

watched mtv for Feng, and since i'm now a value-added person with new skill of embedding YouTube, i'll embed it:

jay chou looks cuter than ever, geng hong looks hotter than ever, the MTV Girl is as unremarkable as ever. and all that tousled hair look is very nice, what with leather-jacket-singing-on-balcony and all, but can the ending not be so... tacky?

i wonder what are the odds of geng hong being gay. hmm.


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Wednesday, August 16, 2006
2:20 PM

went for canoe polo tryouts yesterday. CAN. NOW. ROLL.

words cannot describe my joy and utter godlike pwning athletism. atheletism. atheleticity. ath-


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Monday, August 14, 2006
12:49 PM

was supposed to send lovely sheryl off yesterday to Switzland for her hotel university. but woke up late and by the time i reached the airport she was already on board, could only call her *cries* also, later, found out from hj she was actually going New York.

au revoir, my friend~ bake many cheesecakes and learn to garnish.

hope she's off the plane already.


1 collected:

meishi!!!! omg, there's cheese everywhere in america. heaven.

By Blogger <=§hEryL=>, at 4:05 PM  

5 cents a hug

Saturday, August 12, 2006
12:54 AM

things i like about my New Friend:

has dashboard and manymanymany !widgets
lovely keyboard
double finger scroll on trackpad
can take pictures
colours of screen superbright
safari and download speed neat

things i don't like about my New Friend:

overheats easily
words are ugly and blur on lower screen resolutions
words are minute on higher screen resolutions
lags occassionally
cannot play games
too pretty, paranoid of damage when using
too lazy to read books on conversion to mac


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5 cents a hug

12:42 AM

chose to watch Edge of Seventeen over putting myself through the other hour of Moon Child. it's a total coming of age classic, i loved it :D cheers to many more good films!

also, checked out the modules offered for the school of liberal arts of Waseda University today. although there really are many modules inclined towards japanese studies, it shouldn't be too bad. waiting for more news from the profs in charge. rather inspired by the talks, it's like giving me something to work for, for the first time ever. like, something i actually want to do and can.

so in the mood of the season and festivities i went to get my Simplicity notes printed out, and discovered that there's no such thing as free printing services on campus. how could they??!

but simplicity looks fun. not at all simple though. halfway through a chapter about agents in an artificial Sugarscape society. looking forward to monday's lesson (oh-em-gee!).


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Friday, August 11, 2006
1:45 AM

i'm an hour into watching moon child. it's really just...

... a combination of real bad acting, childish script, terrible directing, cheapskate production, and too little make up.


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Tuesday, August 08, 2006
4:16 PM

while i was on youtube, i found also...

MV of the King and the Clown, fan-made, with the theme song:

and behind the scenes/NG footage:

AND. well. this.


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5 cents a hug

2:43 PM

so Darren Hayes finally came out, and finally everybody will stop defending that oh my goodness, for heaven's sake he's NOT gay, will all of you stop being so #&$%&@ childish!!!

seriously, is anyone surprised....? i could have told you long ago. in fact, i did tell many people, just they thought it was me being myself as usual.

i heard O Sole Mio on radio today, and remembered this one clip that i used to love. went and found it on YouTube:

god, the vids that i had to dig through french sites to get last time can now be found on search engines!!

also, found this clip for Where You Want To Be:

i think it's absolutely tacky how they included the pictures of the two of them with girls, especially only when the lyrics went 'settle for somebody to hold'. bwah! cheesy! especially cannot stand daniel with the high-5 girl. but it's a nice collection of pictures all through their savage garden career anyways, from start to break up.

and really, after Darren came out, it's harder and harder to ignore how the Darren's lyrics really seem to be addressed to Daniel. and well, he STILL hasn't got a guitarist, even after going solo for like, years.

*sniffs* nostalgic.

and after watching a few vids, i'm starkly reminded of how Darren is always so much better heard than watched. vice versa for Daniel, who is so golden brown XD like an aussie, not a hashbrown.

i'd love to hear more music from them again.


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Thursday, August 03, 2006
12:09 AM



i have just found my new religion, it's called OS X.


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5 cents a hug


trying to be someone i'm not.

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moo moo kai




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